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In the new Eco facility, nothing goes to waste


Rani Plast’s new Eco line brings the company closer to its sustainability targets. It turns production spill into new granulates for re-use in its packaging films.

The new Eco facility in Bjölas is a glimpse into the future. Large rolls of production spill, in various colours and of varying specifications, lie at one end of the new regranulation line. This line grinds and melts down production spill before it is shaped into new plastic granulates — ready to go back into production.

The facility was built with one objective in mind: to create a closed-loop system.

Sustainability and Development Director Mats Albäck is pleased with the results, saying,

“We aim to reach around 25 percent integration of recycled content in our packaging films in 2023. Some of those products will contain a higher percentage of recycled material than others.”

The new Eco line can produce up to 1,500 kilos of granulates an hour, which equates to about 8,000 tonnes of recycled material annually.

An example of circular economy

The Eco facility turns production spill into new raw material and is a good example of the circular economy model. Most of the re-granulates are stored in large silos on site, but some are packed in large sacks and forwarded to the company’s other facilities. The new Eco line can produce up to 1,500 kilos of granulates an hour, which equates to about 8,000 tonnes of recycled material annually.

“What used to be production spill is now prime raw material. Regranulating in-house means we can offer customers products with a higher recycled material content and of an improved quality,” says Mats Albäck.

Optimising material flow is our priority.

Mats Albäck

The new facility became operational in January 2023. It is now running at its full capacity, apart from the pending installation of auxiliary equipment. Although Rani Plast is predominantly using its own production spill, the plan is to gradually increase the use of plastic waste from external sources.

“We are very happy with the extruder itself; our task now is to continuously optimise the extrusion process. Optimising material flow is our priority,” reports Mats Albäck.

Mats Albäck, Technical Manager Ulf Sandvik, and foreman Mika Yli-Soini, designed the plant. They are also in charge of ensuring it operates smoothly.

“We set stringent quality requirements for recycled materials,” says Mats Albäck.

The investment helps achieve the climate targets

Rani Plast has put much effort into reducing its factory’s carbon footprint, and the new regranulation facility is a big step in the right direction. The investment helps the company to meet its ambitious climate targets, and its customers’ demands for high-quality recycled materials. Solar panels have been installed on the roof of the new facility, to supply the factory with electricity.

The new granulates are cooled with cold water at the end of the regranulation line. Mats Albäck scoops up a handful of still-warm, spherical black granulates.

“These granulates are made of 100 percent recycled materials and are of top quality”, he says.

The Eco facility in numbers

  • The new facility provides 8,000 tonnes of additional capacity annually.
  • The raw material that goes back into production is 100% recycled .
  • The recycled plastic mass is melted at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius, then cooled and turned into new granulates.
  • 845 solar panels, with a peak power of 350 kilowatts, supply the facility with electricity. This is part of the company’s drive towards fossil-free energy use.
  • Rani Plast aims to achieve one of its most important climate goals — 100% carbon-neutral production — in 2035. The Eco facility is an important step towards this target.

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Magnus Lundén

Sales Manager
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