Combining raw materials

Although plastic packaging accounts for only 0.5% of Europe’s consumer CO2 footprint, Rani Plast is delivering its own sustainability strategy partly by providing carbon neutral film for advanced packaging solutions. As demand for more environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and products increases, Rani Plast is integrating more bio-based raw materials and benefiting from improvements in recycling technology.

By combining fossil-based plastic raw materials with re-cycled and renewable plastic raw materials, derived from pines, sugar cane or biodiesel-based waste products, Rani Plast can customise film to suit customers’ requirements and at the same time reduce the CO2 impact. Through mixing these raw materials we can optimise the carbon footprint and the mechanical properties of the film.

Active product development

Rani Plast closely monitors the technical development of new raw materials and the corresponding commercial evolution in clients’ businesses. As they both progress, Rani Plast’s goal of producing a wider selection of carbon neutral products is increasingly achievable.

Please contact your local sales representative about more information on our sustainable product features and how we can assist you to meet your sustainable packaging goals.

The yellow label on our product group pages indicates that the film is also available with contents of recycled and biobased polyethylene.

Plastic Raw Material Alternatives

Fossil based

Mechanically recycled

ISCC+ Certified
Source Virgin oil and gas based Post-industrial or postconsumer Circular & Biocircular
Recyling Normal Normal Normal
Performance High Medium High
Visual appearance High Medium High
Suitable for Demanding packaging General protection film, non-food Demanding packaging