
We are helping to clean the Baltic Sea: Rani Plast supports the John Nurminen Foundation


We all know that manoeuvring a large ship takes time. Patience and professionalism are required from the captain and the crew navigating a large ship safely to port. At Rani Plast, we think in much the same way about the sustainable development of the plastics industry.

It may take some time to introduce new ways of working, to use sustainable raw materials in all our films and to establish carbon neutrality – even if we have already come a long way to achieve all this. All our improvement work is done to meet the needs of our customers with regard to packaging and sustainability.

With reference to sustainable development, Rani Plast aims for carbon-neutral production by 2035, but as a company we also want to adopt a wider social responsibility. For this reason, we are launching a collaboration with the John Nurminen Foundation, which has been working for a clean Baltic Sea since 2005.

We are pleased to see thatRani Plast’s sustainability strategy emphasises sustainable packaging solutions, optimising the use of plastics, and promoting the circular economy and social responsibility.

Annamari Arrakoski-Engardt, John Nurminen Foundation

“We want to thank Rani Plast for supporting our work and taking environmental responsibility. We are pleased to see that Rani Plast’s sustainability strategy emphasises sustainable packaging solutions, optimising the use of plastics, and promoting the circular economy and social responsibility”, says Annamari Arrakoski-Engardt, CEO of the John Nurminen Foundation.

To achieve carbon-neutral production, Rani Plast is investing in several areas. We are reducing the climate impact of our films by using more recyclable and renewable raw materials. Last year, Rani Plast switched to using electricity derived from 100% renewable energy sources.

‘We are facing a major change, but we want to assume social responsibility and become an increasingly environmentally friendly company. We appreciate the work done by the John Nurminen Foundation for the benefit of the Baltic Sea and look forward to future co-operation’, says Jari Palosaari, CEO of Rani Plast.

We want to assume social responsibility and become an increasingly environmentally friendly company.

Jari Palosaari, Rani Plast

During spring 2021, we will conduct a study to further improve our customer service. In connection with the customer survey, we will donate EUR 20 to the John Nurminen Foundation for each answer, as we want to continue to play our part in a more sustainable future.

More information

Read more about the Rani Plast sustainable development strategy here.

Read more about the John Nurminen Foundation’s wonderful work for the Baltic Sea here.

Rani Plast – Smart Packaging Solutions

Rani Plast is a family-owned international Group that owns nine factories in five countries. The Group has turnover totalling more than EUR 250 million and exports products to 50 countries. We are a stable, family-owned company with the goal of being one of the most successful companies in the packaging industry. Rani Plast was founded in 1955. www.raniplast.com

John Nurminen Foundation – Baltic Sea protection and marine culture
Founded in 1992, the purpose of the John Nurminen Foundation is to preserve the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. The Foundation has been awarded for its work as a communicator of information and producer of marine-related content. The goal of the Foundation’s Clean Baltic Sea projects is to improve the condition of the Baltic Sea with tangible measures that will reduce the load and environmental risks directed at the sea. Our work is steered by measurable results and impact.