
Significant machine investment underway at Rani Plast


€13 million plan will support Rani Plast’s growth strategy and reduce CO2 emissions

Rani Plast is currently investing in no fewer than four new machines including two print machines plus new manufacturing lines for agricultural stretch film and the saw industry. The printing department will also be equipped with a heat recovery system to re-cycle energy.

The printing machines will replace and update Rani’s existing equipment and increase our printing capacity.

– “The new printing machines will deliver more precise and better print quality, and most importantly be much faster than existing machines. One of the machines can print up to 400 metres of film per minute,” according to Technical Manager, Ulf Sandvik.

We are also constructing a heat recovery system in the printing hall, which will recover the heat generated when burning VOC-gases to heat the hall in winter.
– “If everything goes according to our calculations, the system will cover half of our heating needs in the print hall and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 300 tons per year,” added Ulf Sandvik.

Rani has also invested in a new blowing line for agricultural stretch film. The fully automated line is currently undergoing tests and will be in use by the end of the year.

– “The great feature of the line is that we can produce multilayer films enabling us to modify and to improve the performance of the film,” says Sandvik.

The machine partly replaces existing production lines. To install the new machinery, we have had to raise the factory roof level from 5 metres to 24 metres. Rani Plast is also investing in a new machine for the saw industry.