Sustainable packaging solutions

  • Increase the use of renewable raw materials in our films
  • Offer recycled alternatives for all our films
  • O­ffer products that are easy to reuse, recycle and dispose of

Circular economy

  • Ensure full readiness to produce recycled and renewable films
  • Reduce annual plastic spill and secure 100% re-use rate
  • Use fossil free and renewable energy sources

Optimised use of plastic

  • Provide customers with information on new raw material alternatives
  • Continue to downgauge and reduce film thickness
  • Support customers in identifying optimal use of our films

Responsible value chain

  • We act responsibly in society and respect human rights
  • We strive for an accident-free work environment
  • We encourage our employees to present new development initiatives

Measuring our carbon footprint

We are all aware that we leave a carbon footprint, but what does it mean exactly? How is it measured and which elements of Rani Plast’s operations are responsible for our footprint?

These two diagrams help explain the results of a life cycle analysis (LCA), conducted in 2019, which measures our carbon footprint.

The bar graph illustrates the difference in carbon output between a packaging film made from virgin polyethylene and the same film made from 50% recycled polyethylene. It shows how we can reduce the carbon footprint by increasing the share of recycled plastic raw material in our packaging films.

The pie-chart breaks down Rani Plast’s operational carbon footprint into its constituent parts revealing that transport and electricity are the two biggest drivers of carbon emissions. Rani Plast has already taken measures to reduce its carbon footprint by switching to 100% renewable electricity sources. The company is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2035.

Further information

Clients seeking further clarification and information about the carbon footprint of specific products should contact our sales team.